Question : Can I pass a text box variable into an Access Macro
Can I take a varible created by a text box from a form and input it into the TransferSpreadsheet file location in a Macro. Can I do that in VB is it cannot be done within the macro itself.
Example: Form Input:. User puts a file name in a text box. (this is the file he is nameing for a report). The text box is call fname.
Macro Test: TransferSpreadsheet:
Excel 2003
Table name: RPT
File: C:\Reports\Forms!Input!fna
me (Is this part possible)
Answer : Can I pass a text box variable into an Access Macro
Sure, but you will need to write a VBA macro. This is the syntax for the actual call:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3, "myTable","C:\Reports\Form
s\Input\" & strFileName, True, "A1:G12"
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