Question : ACCESS 2000 - Opening a Snapshot Recordset
I haven't programmed this in years. Sorry.
In a VBA module and using DAO connections: I need to open a linked Table "dbo_PRException", locate a specific record identified by EMPNO, and then extract 6 data fields, Ded1, Ded2, etc. and put the data from them into an array Deducts(6). I then will operate on the data.
I started with: Dim db As dao.database, rst As dao.Recordset Dim Deducts(6) as Integer
Set db = CurrentDb Set rst = db.openrecordset("dbo_PRException", dbOpenSnapshot)
As usual I will greatly appreciate your help.
Answer : ACCESS 2000 - Opening a Snapshot Recordset
Dim db As dao.database, rst As dao.Recordset Dim Deducts(6) as Integer dim strsql as string dim x strsql = "Select Empno, ded1,ded2,ded3,ded4,ded5,de6 from dbo_PRException where empno = 99999" Set db = CurrentDb Set rst = db.openrecordset(strsql,dbOpenSnapshot) if not rst.eof then for x = 1 to 6 deduct(x) = rs(x) Next x ' do something with the array..... rs.close set rs = nothing set db = nothing