Question : MS Access 2003 mdb opening error 'Data is in an inconsistent state'
I have an MS Access 2003 dbase on a Windows Server 2003 shared drive. It has run flawlessly for many months being connected to a front end Access 2003 mde file on various workstations. Recently the database has begun corrupting and will not open - coming up with a 'data is in an inconsistent state' message when I attempt to open it with Access. Access 2007 repairs the database when I attempt to open it - which is good - however it happens before you open the dbase and I never get to the core of what the problem is. Does anyone know of a way to open/analyze the corrupt database to determine where the issue is occurring so I can cure it? If I knew what tables were originating the problem I could identify the source. TIA
Answer : MS Access 2003 mdb opening error 'Data is in an inconsistent state'
How you tried this:?
A **DeCompile** may help here ...
But first, if you have not already: Check for any **Missing References via the VBA Editor>>Tools>>References ....
Then, follow this procedure:
0) **Backup your MDB** 1) Compact and Repair the MDB, as follows: Hold down the Shift key and open the MDB, then from the menu >>Tools>>Database Utilities>>Compact and Repair ... 2) Execute the Decompile (See example syntax below) >> after which, your database will reopen. 3) Close the mdb 4) Open the mdb and do a Compact and Repair (#1 above). 5) Open the mdb: a) Right click over a 'blank' area of the database window (container) and select Visual Basic Editor. A new window will open with the title 'Microsoft Visual Basic' ... followed by then name of your MDB. b) From the VBA Editor Menu at the top of the window: >>Debug>>Compile Note ... after the word Compile ...you will see the name of your 'Project' - just an fyi.
6) Close the mdb 7) Compact and Repair one more time.
*** Executing the DeCompile **EXAMPLE**: Here is an example of the command line syntax (be SURE to adjust your path and file name accordingly) for executing the decompile:
Run this from Start>>Run, enter the following command line - **all on one line** - it may appear like two lines here in the post:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Msaccess.exe" /decompile "C:\Access2003Clients\AzDoc\Pgrm\AzDocPgrm2K3.mdb"
For more detail on the Decompile subject ... visit the Master on the subject (and other great stuff) Michael Kaplan: