Question : free web part for cross-site task rollup?
I am on a hosted SharePoint site, so I have limited ability to build and install custom web parts. However, I've got a bunch of task lists spread across multiple subsites. I desperately need a report or search feature to consolidate these tasks so that I don't have to visit 15 sites to find all the items on my list. I was looking at the very flexible WSS search from Corasworks (it's free), but I can't figure out away to use the filter that works.
Any ideas on consolidating these task lists?
Thanks, Wendy
Answer : free web part for cross-site task rollup?
You can buy that single web-part from Coras (a-la carte instead of the suite) for about $300 http://www.corasworks.net/Products/Software/WebParts/taskrollup.html
Other wise I think you really have to code it yourself. When talking with others about Web part development, they have expressed some dismay about coding rollup applications.
Basic rollups apparently are troublesome enough. Cross-site are a bit more difficult because you will need to verify that they user has access to the cross site in question and then handle any errors.