Question : SQL: Invalid object name 'tablename'
I've created a few tables in SQL using SQL Server Mgmt Studio (SQL SMS) titled: "Games1" and "Scores". I am trying to run sql statements in the query window on the tables. I am getting the following error message in the "Results" panel
ERROR Message:
Msg 208, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'Scores'
I get the same error when I query the "Games1" table.
Could someone tell me why I am getting this error? I've run several queries on these tables previously without a problem. Each table is listed in the object explorer panel in SQL SMS, so they are accessible correct? I am connected to the databases (local, my box).
Below is my code:
Code Snippet:
1: 2:
Select * From Scores
Open in New Window
Select All
Answer : SQL: Invalid object name 'tablename'
perhaps they are created in a different schema.
select * from information_schema.tables
where table_name = 'scores'
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