Question : When exporting Access 2003 report to Excel 2003, I get a message "File Error, Some number formats may have been lost." and my Date field is corrupted to a seemingly random number.
I am exporting a large report from Access 2003 to Excel 2003. The date field is becoming corrupted and losing its format. what appears instead of the date is a number that does not seem to correspond with the date in the field. HELP!!
Answer : When exporting Access 2003 report to Excel 2003, I get a message "File Error, Some number formats may have been lost." and my Date field is corrupted to a seemingly random number.
In XL, if you format a cell containing one of the numbers as a date do you get what you were expecting?
If not can you post an example of a date value from Access and the number you see in Excel.
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