Question : several  users  write to an xls sheet at the same time

Hi all I have  windows server 2008
I have an xls document on the server
Several   people need to be able to write to this document at the same time
At the moment when the first person opens the xls sheet they get read and write
When the second person opens the xls sheet they get read only access is there a way to fix this so several  users can write to this xls sheet at the same time

Answer : several  users  write to an xls sheet at the same time

Simple answer is no.. You should really be working with a database if you need record-level locking (which you do to do what your trying)

The longer answer is that Excel 2007 has some change control features that let you "check out" the file for short periods, make changes and then "check in", allowing another user to then check out the file..

This requires sharepoint services.. and if you go into Excel 2007 and hit F1, then search for "Using Excel Services to share data while maintaining one version of the workbook" you'll get a full explanation

Hope this helps
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