Question : Raising Domain Functional Level from Windows 2000 to 2003

If I raise the functional level of our Windows domain from 2000 to 2003 (a) Can Windows 2000 Professional workstations still authenticate successfully, and (b) Am I best doing this out-of-hours or will users not notice a difference if I do this during the day?


Answer : Raising Domain Functional Level from Windows 2000 to 2003

So in answer to your questions:

a) Yes, all member servers and clients will be fine. Only pre-2003 *domain controllers* will have a problem. You will need to remove these before raising the level.

b) Raising the functional level can be done during working hours as it's pretty painless and takes seconds. There should be no effect to users. That said, it's always good to have backups and if you are worried you can do it out of hours.

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