Question : Good practice on writing file, creating directory, etc.
I have an Access application that is using: DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "rptTemplate", "Microsoft Excel 97-2003", "sample.xls", False
to output reports in excel format. I found a problem: when i call the command again, the reports got appended, thus the file is doubled. What is the solution? Shall I clear the same file name first each time? Also, since my destination directory has a lot of space between characters, sometimes, it failed to create a directory. And there is shared violation problem too when other people tred to delete the file. Just want to get some good sample code on create directory(if it doesn't exisit) or use the existent directory, clear destination file with the same name, etc. Thanks.
Answer : Good practice on writing file, creating directory, etc.
If you do not need the previous file, you can delete it programmatically:
You can use VBA Kill statement to delete files: Kill path & filename
eg. Kill c:\filename.xls
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