Question : Need Assistance Selecting Web Authoring Tool
I am looking for a FrontPage replacement for Web Authoring. We are upgrading our web farm and want to get away from FPSE, but like some of the functionality it added to FrontPage and Expressions Web. Here are details....
We are upgrading our farm to Windows 2008, IIS7. We currently have approximately 75 "web contributors" (WC) with varying degrees of skill updating and adding pages to our site. The WC's connect remotely to a development server to do their work, then request a publish from our QA group. They QA the pages and publish them to our production server.
The issue I am experiencing is that currently Frontpage and Expressions Web will update links if the WC renames or moves a page, but without FPSE, this functionality is lost. We also lose the ability to check hyperlinks and run various reports.
What I would like to find is a good, easy to use, WYSIWYG product that will allow our WC to do their work with those options, preferably without me having to add anything to the server. We are hoping to use WEBDAV for publishing instead of FTP, but I can use FTP is a good replacement is found.
Any assistance or input is greatly appreciated!
Answer : Need Assistance Selecting Web Authoring Tool
we had this a while back, We found it easier to stay with FP and its extensions until we moved to full cms
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