Question : ActiveSync sycn only working one way for Calendar, tasks and contacts, working both ways for email
hi there,
thanks for looking at my issue.
I have a HTC Touch HD running windows mobile 6.1
For several months I have been syncing the device with my exchange server at work as well as my laptop at home.
In the last couple of days I have started having issues. There are no changes on the device that I know of. I can not be certain about the server.
Synchronisation for all elements works correctly with my home laptop.
For the sync with exchange, email works both ways. For calendar, tasks and contacts sync is only working one way from the pda to the server. i.e. if I add a new contact on the phone it will appear in my outlook. If I add a new contact on the server it will not appear on my phone. This is the same for contacts, tasks and caledar. Email works both ways without issue.
Given I have the sync on both home and work I would like to avoid doing a full blast away and start from scratch.
Is anyone having similar issues or can suggest ways to fix this?
Answer : ActiveSync sycn only working one way for Calendar, tasks and contacts, working both ways for email
Hi thanks for the response and apologies for the delay on responding to your post. It turned out that a firewall change on the work server end was to blame. All has now been resolved and situation back to normal. thanks.
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