Question : Install x86 print driver on an x64 print server
Hello Everyone,
Here is an easy question for you...
I have a Windows Server 2008 x64 SP2 machine that has a few printer shares on it. I am trying to add an x86 printer driver to the share so that x86 clients can get the driver automatically. When I try to add the driver to the share I get a box that pops up that asks:
"Please provide path to Windows media (x86 processor)."
When i click on browse I get a request for the following file:
I have tried searching the Windows 2008 x86 media for this file and cannot find it. Can someone point out to me where to locate this file. Is it even on the Windows 2008 media or am I looking in the wrong place?
Answer : Install x86 print driver on an x64 print server
There is one more trick however. If this doesn't work either then contact the VENDOR.
Trick -
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