Question : Screen resolution is off in Internet explorer.
My screen resolution in my web browser is not correct. I have a notebook computer and the screen resolution has always been set to 1024 × 768. My desktop and windows applications in Windows Vista appear to be normal and are still set to 1024 x 768, but when I display a web page in a browser, the letters in the web browser are much larger, and I now have to scroll to the right to read everything on the web page.
The problem is only happening in my Internet Explorer 8 and not in FireFox. I know I am not exagerating, because when I went to check my yahoo email, the Yahoo page gave me this message below. Anyway, I need help figuring this out.
Message from Yahoo:
There seems to be a screen resolution problem.
Your screen resolution is set below our minimum recommendation. When it's set under 1024 x 768 pixels,
the all-new Yahoo! Mail won't look as good.
You can continue with your current settings, but you won't be able to enjoy the full effect.
To continue to the all-new Yahoo! Mail anyway...
Go to Yahoo! Mail
Or better yet, try increasing your screen's resolution. If you're running Windows, here's how:
Click the Start button, and select Settings, then Control Panel. Next, double-click Display
and click the Settings tab. Use the slider to set your monitor to a 1024 x 768 pixel resolution.
Answer : Screen resolution is off in Internet explorer.
ctrl (+) + = zoom in
ctrl (+) - = zoom out
ctrl (+) 9 = Reset zoom to default
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