Question : Why is this so hard? Form1.hide() Does .Net not support this?
I'm finding it difficult to find out how to have my Windows Forms app:
1. Open (it already does this)
2. Show Form2 (Form2.Show() in Form_Load of Form1 does this but Form2 is behind Form1)
3. Hide Form1 <--- this is what I having trouble finding out how to do.
After an hour of Google searching and reading through forums I'm about to determing that you can't do that here. Thank you Microsoft for making the simple seem impossible.
Answer : Why is this so hard? Form1.hide() Does .Net not support this?
following code working fine at my end
1: 2: 3: 4:
Dim frm2 As New Form2() frm2.Owner = Me frm2.Show() Me.Hide()
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