Question : MS Chart Control Legend Items Truncated

I have a chart control with 7 series defined. Five of the series are specified to display as legend items.  Only the first 3 display.  The remaining legend items appear to be truncated and display only as dots.

What properties do I need to set?

Code Snippet:


Answer : MS Chart Control Legend Items Truncated

These are the legend property settings that will display all selected legend items:

MaximumAutoSize is the percentage of the chart width that is used for displaying the legend items.
IsDockedInsideChartArea="True" places the legend items inside the chart area instead of near the title.
The position property should be omitted.

                  LegendStyle="Row" IsTextAutoFit="False" DockedToChartArea="Price"
            Docking="Top" IsDockedInsideChartArea="True" Name="Default" BackColor="Transparent"
            Font="Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold" Alignment="Center" MaximumAutoSize="80">

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