Question : Disable Win XP auto-created printer from being auto-created by Citrix
We have PS 4.0 on WS 2003. When users login currently, all of their printers are copied up. That is fine for the most part. But we have some that have 20-30 printers on the client (WinXP) that were autocreated on their local machine because they are shared on local network. I need to leave those on their machines, because they are auditors who go out into the field a lot on different teams and it helps them to find a printer. I would like to be ablel to tell Citrix not to copy Win XP autocreated printers to the Citrix server. Is this possible?
Answer : Disable Win XP auto-created printer from being auto-created by Citrix
This depends on how the network printers are setup. Using your example:
HP Laser 4050 - network
HP Laser 2100 - local
Auto HP Laser 4050 on Joe2
Auto HP Laser 4200 on Joe 3
you can create a policy that could only map the 1st two printers if the network printer is set up directly on the workstation (i.e. printing directly to an IP address port). If this port is being shared from another computer that you print through then it won't work.
To do it you would create/modify your printing Policy. In the properties of this policy look under Printing > Client Printers > Auto Creation.
Enable this and from the drop-down box choose "Auto-create local (non-network) client printers only"
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