Greetings all,
OK, Here's the lowdown. I have rebuilt the entire environment within the last year so all servers are new (or at least new to us since we are a non-profit and take donations for most of my equipment.) All servers are Compaq DL580's Quad Xeon 700's with 4GB of RAM. 3 Domain Controllers, 2 Exchange servers and 2 locations plus others but these are the ones with issues so we'll focus on these.
At the main office, I have 2 DC's with one acting as a global catalog and one exchange server. At our elementary school, I have another DC which is also a global catalog and a second exchange server. Both sites are connected via vpn over T1 lines.
In the main office, I have a large number of users that report mail issues. "Outlook is trying to contact the Exchange Server K5DC." Trouble is that the K5DC is not the Exchange server but it is the global catalog at the elementary school. OK, so it would seem that the communication to the local gc is interrupted or busy so the local systems are trying to contact the other gc. OK, I get that but there is no indication in the logs that would indicate a network issue on the local dc/gc. I have reviewed all logs for the past month or so since this has been happening. I have found and corrected a number of issues such as a failing switch and dns errors but nothing has solved the problem.
In total, we have less than 150 users/mailboxes. All users are running Outlook 2003. We do not use public folders and as I mentioned, all of the systems are newly rebuilt so there are no old stale records or anything that was lingering from an old backup etc. The users that report the error are all over the building and connected to different switches and we are all on the same VLAN. There are no reports of this issue from the K5, only the main office.