Question : Can I install MS EBS 2008 without Security server?

Hello EEs,


I have a network setup with Cisco router & Cyberoam firewall. now i dont want to go for Security Server which

comes with Windows EBS 2008, but still i want to use Remote web Workplace.

Kindly adivse how can i setup the stuff in a better way?

Many thanks


Answer : Can I install MS EBS 2008 without Security server?

the short answer is NO. PERIOD.

you cannot install edge server on any other server except security server

and you cannot install messaging server without installing security server.

The Installation Wizard detects if you attempt to install the servers out of sequence, and prompts you to continue the installation in the correct order.

this is all about trust in microsoft product :P

As i said before, all of them are documented well in the technet, and all the stuff you need to know are there. read through all of them so you got a better understanding how it looks like. you cant do one without reading it. FULL STOP.
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