Question : How do I fix App log Event id 1202 warning. 0x534 error (Windows 2000 Server)?
I have tried the following procedures on the web , helpful but not a fix:
Security policies are propagated with warning. 0x534 : No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
For best results in resolving this event, log on with a non-administrative account and search
for "troubleshooting 1202 events".
A user account in one or more Group policy objects (GPOs) could not be resolved to a SID. This error is possibly caused by a mistyped nor deleted user account referenced in either the User Rights or Restricted Groups branch of a GPO. To resolve this event, contact an administrator in the domain to perform the following actions:
1.Identify accounts that could not be resolved to a SID: From the command prompt, type: FIND /I "Cannot find" %SYSTEMROOT%\Security\Logs
The string following "Cannot find" in the FIND output identifies the problem account names.
Example: Cannot find JohnDough.
In this case, the SID for username "JohnDough" could not be determined. This most likely occurs because the account was deleted, renamed, or is spelled differently (e.g. "JohnDoe").
2.Identify the GPOs that contain the unresolvable account name:
From the command prompt type FIND /I "JohnDough" %SYSTEMROOT%\Security\temp
The output of the FIND command will resemble the following:
---------- GPT00000.DOM
---------- GPT00001.DOM
This indicates that of all the GPO’s being applied to this machine, the unresolvable account exists only in one GPO. Specifically, the cached GPO named GPT00001.DOM.
Now we need to determine the friendly name of this GPO in the next step.
3. Locate the friendly names of each of the GPOs that contain an unresolvable account name. These GPOs were identified in the previous step.
From the command prompt, type: FIND /I "[Mapping]" %SYSTEMROOT%\Security\Logs
The string following "[Mapping] gpt0000?.dom =" in the FIND output identifies the friendly names for all GPO’s being applied to this machine.
Example: [Mapping] gpt00001.dom = User Rights Policy
In this case, the GPO that contains the unresolvable account (gpt00001.dom) has a friendly name of "User Rights Policy".
4. Remove unresolved accounts from each GPO that contains an unresolvable account.
a. Start -> Run -> MMC.EXE
b. From the File menu select "Add/Remove Snap-in…"
c. From the "Add/Remove Snap-in" dialog box select "Add…"
d. In the "Add Standalone Snap-in" dialog box select "Group Policy" and click "Add"
e. In the "Select Group Policy Object" dialog box click the "Browse" button.
f. On the "Browse for a Group Policy Object" dialog box choose the "All" tab
g. Right click on the first policy identified in step 3 and choose edit
h. Review each setting under Computer Configuration/ Windows Settings/ Security Settings/ Local Policies/ User Rights
Assignment or Computer Configuration/ Windows Settings/ SecuritySettings/ Restricted Groups for accounts identified in step 1.
i. Repeat steps 3g and 3h for all subsequent GPOs identified in step 3.
Output from my command prompt:
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\barryw\Desktop>fi
nd /| "Cannot find" %SYSTEMROOT%/Secu
'"Cannot find"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Documents and Settings\barryw\Desktop>Fi
nd /| "Cannot find" %SYSTEMROOT%/Secu
'"Cannot find"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Documents and Settings\barryw\Desktop>Fi
nd /I "Cannot find" %SYSTEMROOT%/Secu
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
Cannot find Power Users.
** this indicates that their is a problem with a mapped link to Power User
C:\Documents and Settings\barryw\Desktop>FI
ND /I "Power Users" %SYSTEMROOT%\Secu
C:\Documents and Settings\barryw\Desktop>FI
ND /I "[Mapping]" %SYSTEMROOT%\Securi
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
[Mapping] gpt00000.inf = Default Domain Controllers Policy
C:\Documents and Settings\barryw\Desktop>
Link to power User should be in Default Domain Controller User Assigment Rights but i don't see any there.
Answer : How do I fix App log Event id 1202 warning. 0x534 error (Windows 2000 Server)?
have a look at this
hope this hekps
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