Question : Cannot link to SQL Server Express 2008 table from within Access 2007
I am running on Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit. Access 2007 is a 32 bit application. SQL Server Express 2008 is a 32bit application. I have created DSN "MEBCallCenter" that tests correctly in "Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Data Sources (ODBC)\System DSN". In Access "External Data\More\ODBC Database\" I select "Link to the data source by creating a linked table." The "Select Data Source" dialog's tab "Machine Data Source" does not contain this DSN. If I try to create a DSN from this dialog I receive the following message "You are logged on with non-Administrative privileges. System DSNs could not be created or modified." I am the administrator for this machine. This worked on a 32 bit version of Windows Vista Home Premium Edition.
Answer : Cannot link to SQL Server Express 2008 table from within Access 2007
No longer need solution - moved on to other issues.
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