Question : Defining anamed range dunamically
How do I define the range "AllAC" dynamically? Instead of "='All Incidents'!$AI$6:$AI$602",
I need it to be defined as AI6 down to the intersection of Column AI and the row number in C1.
For example right now the number in C1 is 433 and I need the range to be "='All Incidents'!$AI$6:$AI$433"
I need it to be dynamic because tomorow the number in C1 might be 517 or whatever.
Answer : Defining anamed range dunamically
When you set up the name, have it refer to this formula:
='All Incidents'!$AI$6:INDEX('Al
l Incidents'!$AI:$AI,'All Incidents'!$C$1,1)
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