Question : Do you know how I could make a single SQL Statement into a compound SQL Statement using the following SQL statements ?
I am developing an Access 2003 application using Access as the front end and SQL Server as the back in database.
In my VBA Code, I use the following SQL Statement to update a table titled tblPSInfo.
Do you know how I could make this single SQL Statement assigned to the variable
SQL1 into a compound SQL Statement using the following additional SQL Statement: BRANCH = Mid(CostCenter), 4, 3
sSQL1 = "UPDATE tblPSInfo SET EMAILADD = '" & Replace(getEmailAll, "'", "''") & "' WHERE EMPNUM = '" & id & "'"
Add the following SQL Statement:
BRANCH = Mid(CostCenter), 4, 3
Answer : Do you know how I could make a single SQL Statement into a compound SQL Statement using the following SQL statements ?
sSQL1 = "UPDATE tblPSInfo SET EMAILADD = '" & Replace(getEmailAll, "'", "''") & "', BRANCH = Mid([CostCenter], 4, 3) WHERE EMPNUM = '" & id & "'"
where is [CostCenter] coming from?
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