Question : access 2007 - invalid procedure call
I have a query: SELECT network_contact_name, First(Left(network_contact_name,(InStr(network_contact_name,' ')-1))) AS FirstName, First(Mid(network_contact_name,(InStr(network_contact_name,' ')))) AS LastName, First(network_contact_number), (First(Mid(network_contact_name,(InStr(network_contact_name,' '))))+", "+First(Left(network_contact_name,(InStr(network_contact_name,' ')-1)))) AS lastfirst FROM local WHERE network_contact_name like "*HELP*" and (instr(network_contact_name,'/') =0) and status in ("DEAD","DISC PEN","DISC NET") GROUP BY network_contact_name;
If I remove from the WHERE clause "network_contact_name like "*HELP*" and " and run it, I get the error, otherwise it runs fine. anyone know why? thanks much.
Answer : access 2007 - invalid procedure call
ok, so looks like I had a few things i did to get it working. stripped all the firsts out and that seems to be a key...tried without concat part changed my where a little....then added the some of the first stuff back in...
SELECT FIRST(network_contact_name), FIRST(network_contact_number), customernumber, status, instr(network_contact_name,'/') , Left(network_contact_name,(InStr(network_contact_name," ")-1) ) AS FirstName, Mid(network_contact_name,(InStr(network_contact_name," ") ) ) AS LastName, (Mid(network_contact_name,(InStr(network_contact_name," ") ) ) & ", " & Left(network_contact_name,(InStr(network_contact_name," ")-1) ) ) AS lastfirst FROM local WHERE (instr(network_contact_name,'/') =0) and status not in ("DEAD","DISC PEN","DISC NET") GROUP BY network_contact_name, CustomerNumber, status, network_contact_number Thanks to all who participated.