Question : INSERT INTO  new table from existing stored procedure

Hello experts,

I have a standing stored procedure that when run returns a dataset for a report. My problem is that it takes a long time to run/finish and there are a lot of computed columns in the reports with aging buckets etc.

I want to produce a web-based report on just the output and store the output that will be created into a new table on a nightly job. That way I can simply run queries against with an ASP.NET 3.5 website. On even the smallest entity database it takes 20-30 seconds to return any out so I feel that's my best bet.  

I tried the following and I get an error message about not matching table definition. Since this job is going to first drop the table and then execute the SP, then output to the new table I sorta want it to work as if it was simply a "SELECT BLAH INTO [NEW TABLE]...
Is this possible or do I have to explicitly declare all the columns first then run the SP

INSERT INTO [My New Table]
EXEC [lsp_TheStoredProcedure]
 @_UAC_DateFrom = DATEPART(Y, -1, GETDATE())

SELECT * FROM  [lsp_TheStoredProcedure]

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : INSERT INTO  new table from existing stored procedure

You might run into the same issues with having the allowed vlan configured on the trunk ports that are part of the port-channel.

It is always recommended to put bassic configs on your interfaces (speed, duplex setting) and then configure the rest on the port-channel interface. Also it is very important for your port and port-channel configs to match exactly for all to work properly.

Everything else looks good to me. I also suggest you lab this up to make sure you are working as expected. It also gives you good practice for when you do this on your production eviroment.

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