Question : ToolStrip textbox focus.
Dear All Experts,
in my form, i have toolstrip with combobox1 and textbox1. in my scenario when i select combobox1 then textbox1 will get focus. this is my code:
Private Sub cboSearchBy_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboSearchBy.Click
If Asc(e.KeyChar) = Keys.Enter Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End Sub
this code given me an error:
'KeyChar' is not a member of 'system.eventArgs.'
Any help please, i used VB.Net 2005
Best Regards,
Beginning VB.Net
Answer : ToolStrip textbox focus.
Why are you dealing with key characters in a combo box handler? Usually one clicks on a combo box with the mouse, and you seem to be using the MouseClick event. Just remove the If statement and you should be all set.
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