Question : Fox Pro 9 Compiled applications

I have installed the compiled application that I have created, that you all have been helping me with-On my lap top and it works fine.

I installed in on one of the nurses note book --an Acer-and it crashes comming up with an error saying that it can not find the file  msvcr71.dll.  I look in the  program files folder and I find it right where it should be just as  it is set up on my lap top.  It is there .   programfiles\danco\myproductname\msvcr71.dll.

I installed the app on the Acer with intallshield as usual yet it wont find that file which I can see is right where it should be.

Anyone run into this one????

Thank You


Answer : Fox Pro 9 Compiled applications

"I installed in on one of the nurses note book"

Did you just copy the EXE file or did you do a full INSTALLATION which would have included the VFP7 run-time files?

From your description the Installshield 'package' was created without the VFP7 run-time files and the registration of the same.

Good Luck

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