Question : how to change multiple check box in query
hello again experts i have 15,000 entries in the ms access database.
in the database there is a check box that some is not yet checked, and i knew recently that i need to check the box as soon as i input a particular data in the system.
I need to modify and check 10,000 out of 15,000.
now what i want to do is to check all of this 10,000 entries by using the query, but i dont know how i will do it.
Answer : how to change multiple check box in query
Just put the specific names and conditions in the query. I have replaced the table name and updated field name in the query below.
You haven't specified what the date field is called, or what you mean by "empty". In the query I have used the name TheDateField, and assumed that by "empty" you mean that the field is null.
1: 2: 3:
update MAINDB set Mattrac = 1 where TheDateField is null
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