Question : Windows Vista Home Premium Password Issue
Yesterday I set up a basic file sharing network for a friend.
The computer we used as a basic data server is running vista. I created a user so that I could have other computers connect to his Public folder.
I set up the password - and in the hint, I put exactly what the password was (they're not worried about security... the passord hint says "type mlg123")
However, this login is not working. Just in case, I tried typing Mlg123 to see if caps was the issue, but that didn't work. All the computers I connected to yesterday can still login to the vista computer, i just can't do it from the actuall login screen.
I'm at a loss as to what is going on.
So my question is, how do I get into the computer? I do not have a recovery disk... The password we use is the one we use for everything...
Is it possible something is corrupted? I know it's possible that the password is simply incorrect, I can't imagine how, but it makes the most sense...
I've found this site on the web:
but I don't know if it's legit...
Anyway, any help would be appreciated... this is a frustraiting thing.
Answer : Windows Vista Home Premium Password Issue
Depending on your keyboard layout during installation the password may be
the difference between qwerty/azerty/everything in between.
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