Question : MySQL command to replace data in tables
Hello everyone,
not very familiar with SQL statements but hope one of you can help me out. Here's what I want to do:
I have a test website which I have populated as a clone of another one. I need to modify the database so that member information stays confidential to the programmers who will be working on the site/database. I need to delete all email addresses in a field and replace them with a bogus email so that programmers who are working on the database cannot potentially harvest these emails. Since the test site does not need them I want to change them all. I don't want to delete the table item because it's required.
Is there a SQL command I can execute in MySQL that will look for anything before and after a @ and replace it with
[email protected]
Would you be able to provide me with the exact statement? The table is called member and the field is called email
I know I need to be doing something like: UPDATE members SET email = replace(email,"%@%","noema
.com") but it does not work and I can't figure out what I need to do.
Answer : MySQL command to replace data in tables
You can simply do like this if you want to update all the emails with
[email protected]
updte members
set email = '
[email protected]
where email like '%@%'
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