Question : Access 2003 spell checker msg.
Hey, kinda related to a previous question. I have an access 2003 db with a form. i am runing the following code on CreateNew record to spell check. Problem is, I have fields such as date a number fields and each time i run the spell checker i get an error msg first saying the i am trying to check fields that are not text or memo and that it cannot check these fields. But then it performs the rest of the check fine. How can i avoid this message or have it not check those fields. We'll call the controls: txt1, txt2, txt3. Also my question is it says "fields" does that mean i need to reference the control source and not the control name? if so, we'll say the control sources are "txt1" = "field1" etc for the purpose of this example. Thanks.
For Each ctlSpell In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctlSpell Is TextBox Then
If ctlSpell.Name <> "Document_Date" Then
If Len(ctlSpell) > 0 Then
With ctlSpell
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(ctlSpell)
End With
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
End If
End If
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Answer : Access 2003 spell checker msg.
try changing this line:
If TypeOf ctlSpell Is TextBox Then
If ctlSpell Not IsNumeric Then
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