Question : MS Access : Map the location of the tables
I've written a database which is kept at work on a network drive.
I like to take a copy home to work on my laptop, but each time I do this, I have to change all the links to tables to the new drive location on my laptop,
Work location : s:\database\tables.mbd
Laptop location : c:\database\tables.mdb
The above is a basic example, their are plenty more .mdb files I link to etc...
It takes approx 20-30 mins to link these tables and then I have to do the same when I take it back to work and upload the new version.
Is there a way to map a drive on my laptop so I don't need to do anymore?
Answer : MS Access : Map the location of the tables
I uploaded a completed solution. There are two backends and one frontend. You can go to form frm_ChangeBackend to change location of your mdbs.
(132 KB)
(File Type Details)
BackEnd 1
(136 KB)
(File Type Details)
BackEnd 2
(232 KB)
(File Type Details)
Front End
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