Question : runtime error 3134 access
I am doing a simple Sql Query and I am getting the runtime error 3134. I have a similar query working in the database with other tables. all the fields are the same field lenth and have the same atributes.
Here is the query for any one to help.
vate Sub Command76_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Non-Stock] ( Item-Description, 2_description, UOM-Mult, K2, Unit-Cost, Manf-Number, Manf-Code, Unit-Cost-UOM, K_Mesure, Lawson-Item-Nbr) SELECT [User Table].Description, [User Table].[2nd Description], [User Table].K1, [User Table].K2, [User Table].Price, [User Table].Product_Num, [User Table].Manufacturer, [User Table].A_measure, [User Table].K_measure, [User Table].Client_Num FROM [User Table] Where Client_Num is null "
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
Answer : runtime error 3134 access
I think you should put field that have '-' in []
For ex: [Item-Description]
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