Question : Compiled code in md*B* vs md*E* ?

Hello - I'm setting out a "proof of concept" version of an Access 2003 app with a TreeView control (MSCOMCTL.ocx).

The mdb works fine for those of us who have declined the Office 2003 sp3 update (still at sp2), but does not work (Access abends) on pc's that have taken the sp3 update.

I converted the mdb to an mde, and THAT version works on both sets of pc's.

"Why?", they asked me. "Well, because in the mde, the code is compiled", I said with much gravity & authority

Then they said, "Well I compile the code in my mdb all the time; what's the difference?"

At that point, I had to admit I really didn't know, at least on the aspect of the "compiled VBA code"

Help says it "compiles the modules and removes the source code", but there has to be different levels of "compile" between the two, else there wouldn't be the difference in operation.

Please tell me something I can reply to that, hopefully with gravity & authority...


Answer : Compiled code in md*B* vs md*E* ?


 There are (16 different states), but in this case, it's not the reason.  More likely it's references, which in a MDE are fixed.  In fact it's usually the reverse that is true; MDE's break because reference used in a MDB are not in the exact same place and the same version.

but with a MDE, you can't do anything with a broken reference from Access.

A MDB on the other hand may end up using references already in place on the machine.

This sounds  like what your running into.


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