Question : Can a Formula Field be bookmarked in MS Word 2002?
Can a Formula Field be bookmarked in MS Word 2002?
I've got a table in my document where a Formula Field totals up the dollar amounts above it. I would like to have that total also appear automatically in another field somewhere else in the document... but if I can't bookmark the Formula Field, then I can't link a Reference Field to it.
Normal Form Fields or Text Fields have a setting in their Properties where you can assign a bookmark name, but Formula Fields do not. Is there another way to "name" a Formula Field so I can refer to it by name?
Answer : Can a Formula Field be bookmarked in MS Word 2002?
You should be able to. Just select the field when it is visible and insert a bookmark. If the current result is blank, show the field codes. Alt+F9 will toggle the display for the whole document.
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