Question : Question regarding ms aCCESS FORMS
Hello everybody,
I am working in MS Access database.
I am going to ask to a very easy question. I know, it will be easy for you but for some reason I am not able to develop it in my forms.
I have a "Combo-Box", and the source of value in a conbo-box is another function. That function works fine and I get my value (which is email-adress) in a combo-box.
My question is: How can I transfer the value(email adress) in a combo-box to a text-box???
I mean I want that email-adress to come into text-box also...
Thanx in advance.
Answer : Question regarding ms aCCESS FORMS
Are you saving the ID value of the combo in a table?
If not then just change the bound column number of the combo to the address column (probably 2).
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