Question : Remove underscore from begining of filenames?

I have a program that recovers deleted files, but it places an underscore character (_) before each file.  I wish to use a DOS command batch file OR script to rename the files without the underscore.

There are several sub-directories deep, and some files don't have the underscore.


I've figured out the correct FOR cmd to find the files:

FOR /R %f IN (_*.*) DO REN %f *.*

but the REN command does not work.

I've tried:
REN _*.* *.*
REN _*.* ?*.*
(they do not work)

Can anyone help?

Answer : Remove underscore from begining of filenames?

Sorry about the syntax error on the rename:

@echo off

for /R %%a in (_*.*) do call :PROCESS "%%a"

goto :EOF


set FileName=%~n1

set FileName=%FileName:~1%

ren %1 "%FileName%%~x1"

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