Question : how to make changes to a mandatory profile

I have a Windows 2003 Terminal Server.  We setup initially a user called Test that was the profile for the mandatory profile for all users.  We have 5 icon executables in that desktop folder and I want to add another icon so that it will display on all users desktops.  I guess because the profile was setup as an mandatory profile initially and I add the icons to that desktop folder and user logs in and then out it...the new icon goes away.  What do I have to do add this icon and make it stay there.  I think it has something to do with the NTUSER file but I don't want to mess anything up.

Answer : how to make changes to a mandatory profile

what i want you to do is

download  xxmklink from this location, this tool can create teh short cut

and then write one batch script like this

@cmd /k "xxmklink c:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\PowerPoint.lnk  c:\Programfiles\MSoffice\powerpoint.exe"

and generic sense it can be written as

@cmd /k "xmmlink <drive>:\path\to\shortcut.lnk <drive>:\path\to\program\exe"

and then in group policy editor put that script as default script to be executed when any user logs in so it will create those short cuts on desktop

make sure you have placed xmmlink in system32 to use it cirectly else you will need to specify teh path to command xmmlink command for eg if you have placed it inside c:\scripts\xmmlink then you batch script will be like this

@cmd /k "c:\scripts\xmmlink <drive>:/path/to/shortcut.lnk <drive>:\path\to\program\exe"

hope that explains :)
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