Question : Custom DataGridView cell definition
I have built an extended version of the DataGridView control which is used in an unbound mode and I want to have a custom cell definition for a portion of the matrix. Each custom cell can hold only two characters and each character can have a different backgound color. For example, a cell could have a green space (which would look like a green block, and an "X" with a red background. The colors and characters can change independently. I presume I create a class that inherits "cell" but beyond that it gets a bit fuzzy.
Answer : Custom DataGridView cell definition
THis was a nightmare in .net1.x but the datgridview makes it sooo easy... Just handle the paint event for the cell and draw on what you want...
Private Sub grd_CellPainting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs) Handles grdScheduler.CellPainting, grdModifications.CellPainting If e.ColumnIndex = 3 And e.RowIndex >= 0 Then 'Paint The Words on the Status Field Dim displayvalue As String = "" Select Case UCase(CheckNullString(e.Value)).Substring(0, 1) Case "H" displayvalue = "Hold" Case "N" displayvalue = "Not Yet Started" Case "S" displayvalue = "Succesful" Case "Y" displayvalue = "Running" Case "F" displayvalue = "Failed" Case Else displayvalue = e.Value End Select
DataGridViewDrawCellText(CType(sender, DataGridView), e, displayvalue) e.Handled = True End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub DataGridViewDrawCellText(ByRef objCurrentDataGridView As DataGridView, ByRef objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs As DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs, ByVal TextToDraw As String)
Dim newRect As New Rectangle(objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.X + 1, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Y + 1, _ objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Width - 4, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Height - 4) Dim backColorBrush As New SolidBrush(objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellStyle.BackColor) Dim gridBrush As New SolidBrush(objCurrentDataGridView.GridColor) Dim gridLinePen As New Pen(gridBrush)
' Erase the cell. objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.Graphics.FillRectangle(backColorBrush, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds)
' Draw the grid lines (only the right and bottom lines; ' DataGridView takes care of the others). objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(gridLinePen, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Left, _ objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Bottom - 1, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Right - 1, _ objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Bottom - 1) objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(gridLinePen, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Right - 1, _ objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Top, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Right - 1, _ objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Bottom)
' Draw the inset highlight box. ' objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, newRect)
' Draw the text content of the cell, ignoring alignment. If Not (objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.Value Is Nothing) Then
objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.Graphics.DrawString(TextToDraw, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellStyle.Font, _ Brushes.Black, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.X + 2, objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.CellBounds.Y + 2, _ StringFormat.GenericDefault) End If objDataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs.Handled = True
Finally gridLinePen.Dispose() gridBrush.Dispose() backColorBrush.Dispose() End Try End Sub
In this example i just paint the word 'Hold' where the cell contains 'H' but you could easily change this for your purposes...