Question : Exchange 2007 Export-Mailbox

I just have a simple question in regards to the Export-Mailbox command in Exchange 2007 SP1.  To give a little background I am required to search all mailboxes in our office for specific keywords.  If I run the following command within the exchange console will all the messages be exported to the admin box I have created or will it just copy the messages found?  I think it just moves a copy of the message but I want to make sure before I run this on all mailboxes in the DB.

Get-Mailbox -Database "Mailbox Database" | Export-Mailbox -AllContentKeywords "Search Term 1, Search Term 2" -TargetMailbox [email protected] -TargetFolder "MyData"

Answer : Exchange 2007 Export-Mailbox


I believe it will just take a copy of the items that meet the search criteria and move the copy to the [email protected] mailbox.

If you wanted to delete the content from the source mailbox you would need the switch -DeleteContent. However testing and backups first are a must for your specific org.
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