Question : Disable printing in Internet Explorer (Want to prevet printing Sharepoint Lists)

We have a situation where we have a List in Sharepoint Services 3.0 (therefore on te intranet).

Only certain people have access to viewing the list and thes permissions are controlled through ctive Directory / Sharpoint normal controls.

However managment have insisted that we must prevent the ability for this list to be easily printed.
Therefore they would like the same type of control that can be applied to a Word document where you can have docs that cannot be printed or edited.

How can we acheive the same with a Sharepoint list, even if that means we have to implement more strict security on the web browser?

Perhaps even this is something that can be acheived in the paid version of share point rather then the free version.

Thank you for any input.

Answer : Disable printing in Internet Explorer (Want to prevet printing Sharepoint Lists)

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