Question : SQL Statement Replace Function

I am making a simple SELECT statement. Replace function is used in it. Is there any way that i can mention multiple replace option in one REPLACE function. Lets assume i have to replace CHAR(10) and CHAR(13)  i will write the following:

SELECT ((REPLACE(REPLACE(left(address,70),CHAR(10),' '),char(13),' ')))
as address from accountextensionbase

Instead of putting multiple REPLACE, is there a way i can mention single REPLACE and mention the characters to be replaced with a blank.

Another query is i am adding the third REPLACE in the above query, and its giving the syntax error. But query is correct. Below is the query giving error:

((replace((replace(replace(left(physicaladress,70)),CHAR(10),' '),char(13),' ')),char(34),' '))  
as address from address

Error coming : The replace function requires 3 argument(s).

Please suggest.

Answer : SQL Statement Replace Function

>Instead of putting multiple REPLACE, is there a way i can mention single REPLACE and mention the characters to be replaced with a blank.
not without creating your own function ...

as to the error you get:
select replace(replace(replace(left(physicaladress,70),CHAR(10),' '),char(13),' '),char(34),' ') as address
 from address
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