Question : Count of users in AD group


I would like to get a count of users in a Distribution group in AD.

I have used the following command to get an export to xls, csv, txt but the columns aren't arranged in a way to allow me to check out how many users there are.

ldifde -f c:\emeatxt.txt -d "cn=\#Group A,ou
=users,ou=UK,ou=Europe,dc=emea,dc=kam,dc=com" -l "member"

Does anyone know how I can get a count?


Answer : Count of users in AD group

Good morning :)

We can simplify it a bit, or at least make it include less parentheses on a single line:

$DN = (Get-QADGroup "Group 1").DN
$Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(memberOf=$DN))"
(Get-QADUser -SizeLimit 20000 -LdapFilter $Filter).Count

Just make sure $Filter returns a reasonable value.


A little ignorant about those, but aren't Legacy groups those where Link Value Replication is not in use? That shouldn't have an impact on returning membership though should it?

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