Question : Blue Screen

I installed ROXIO GOBACK (latest version) and now when I boot I get a blue screen right at the end of the boot.
The message on the Bluse Screen is as follows
STOP :0x0000000A (0x00000218, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x80420CC0)

The only way that I can boot is to disable the GOBACK.

Answer : Blue Screen


Try this:
Go to start  |  run  and type   regedit
Browse to the key listed below and file  |  export
Name it GBpoll
then delete the registry key (remember which directory you export it to - or simply save it to your desktop)

GoBack Polling Service c:\software\roxio\goback\gbpoll.exe

Now reboot to test. Bluescreen? Try 3-5 reboots
If no bluescreen - click on the reg patch that you saved to add the information back to the registry. Reboot to test 3-5 times.  Do you get the blue screen error?
If so it is GoBack polling that is the root of the problem.

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