As of 04-07-2007 8;30am GMT I have been experiencing a fault with our Exchange 2003 Enterprise server.
(Windows 2003 Advanced SP1, Exchange 2003 Enterprise SP1.)

First notification is when you terminal service into the box an a popup appears explaining :-

IIS Worker Process encountered a problem and needed to close.

szAppName : w3wp.exe     szAppVer : 6.0.3790.1830     szModName : davex.dll
szModVer : 6.5.7234.20     offset : 00079253    

Additional files to be included:_


If you then go into  IIS Manager you see that the ExchangeApplicationpool has stopped.
Thus stopping OWA and ActiveSync.

Outlook clients on pcs are ok and smtp appears to function ok.

I f you then start the ExchangeApplicationpool all starts to function again for a short while until the process has to be repeated.

I have overcome the stopping by increasing the rapid stop settings to 10 processes but this is only for a temp measure.

Event Viewer System log

If you go into Event Viewer System log the following warning and then Error is reported.

Warning Source W3SVC  Event 1011

A process serving application pool 'ExchangeApplicationPool' suffered a fatal communication error with the World Wide Web Publishing Service. The process id was '7264'. The data field contains the error number.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Words 0000: 8007006d

Error Source W3SVC  Event 1002

Application pool 'ExchangeApplicationPool' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Please can you shed some light onto this issue.



Any reason you are almost two years out of date on Exchange service packs?
I hope that you are up to date on Windows Updates.

What else is on the machine?

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