Question : Common.Logging and Log4Net.xml file not found issue
Dear All,
I am using Common.Logging to do the logging function. I have a windows application, which runs ok to log. The code is as simple as:
NameValueCollection properties = new NameValueCollection();
properties["configType"] = "FILE-WATCH";
properties["configFile"] = "./Log4Net.xml";
LogManager.Adapter = new Log4NetLoggerFactoryAdapte
ILog log = LogManager.GetCurrentClass
I think as long as that "Log4Net.xml" is under bin or bin/debug folder, it is fine.
However I also created another windows service project which will call the methods in my previous application. But this time when it goes to:
LogManager.Adapter = new Log4NetLoggerFactoryAdapte
It says "file Log4Net.xml os not found". Actually I have put that configuration file under the bin/debug folder of both 2 projects, but it still reports error.
Does anyone know actually which directory it is looking at when my windows service calling that method?
Thanks heaps!
Answer : Common.Logging and Log4Net.xml file not found issue
I guess that you need to get working directory of windows services, using statement
dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Asse
properties["configFile"] = dir+"/Log4Net.xml";
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