Question : SQL 2005 refreshing database users
I am refreshing databases from one environment to another. I need a script that will generate all users from the old db and create a script to generate the users on the new db, some of the user may be in the new database. also if it it could add the user to it's old db role, that would be great. if exist (select * from sys.database_principles wher name = 'user') exec sp_change_user_logins 'auto_fix','user' else create 'user' for 'login 'user'
Answer : SQL 2005 refreshing database users
-- try -- from http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/sqlsecurity/thread/4a45a56c-31b4-4396-93fb-f46a881bdb7f/
--also check http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12615 --create logins manually (in case of sql logins you need to type password for each user in "create login " -> it is unsecure ----------------------------------------------------------------- sp_change_users_login @action = 'report' go
-- Generate list of orphaned users SELECT Row_Number() OVER(ORDER BY [m].[name]) AS [id], [m].[name] INTO [#temptbl] FROM [sysusers] [loc] Inner Join [sys].[server_principals] [m] ON [loc].[name] = [m].[name] WHERE [loc].[sid] <> [m].[sid] And [type] IN ('S','U')
DECLARE @liI INT, @liMax INT, @lcUserName NVARCHAR(256)
SELECT @liI =Min([id]), @liMax = Max([id]) FROM [#temptbl]
-- iterate through list of orphaned users and fix WHILE @liI <= @liMax BEGIN SELECT @lcUserName = [name] FROM [#temptbl] WHERE [id] = @liI EXEC ('ALTER USER ' + @lcUserName + ' WITH LOGIN = ' + @lcUserName) SET @liI = @liI + 1 END DROP TABLE [#temptbl] GO
sp_change_users_login @Action='Report'; GO