Question : VXDLDR / windows protection error.

I receiently purchaced a new pentium mother board and built a new system. I put a 2.5gig hard drive pre installed with a working bootable version of 95 on it. when I try to boot on this system it gives me an error "while initalizing device VXDLDR:  Windows protection error. You need to restart your computer."  Everything in this system works in other systems, can you help.

Answer : VXDLDR / windows protection error.

The facts here are that the motherboard has setup resources differently to what windows has a record of.

Preloading of operating systems is still a dream for PC builders and you have proved why it doesn't work.

The VXDLR error is an example of windows looking for critical hardware resources and not finding them.

You may fix your problem by doing a standard reinstall of windows where the "searching for hardware" will correct your problems.
Looking for other ways of fixing this will take more time than its worth.

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