Question : Auto Fill based on 2nd Column
I have a contact database. The user would like to start typing a company name and have it auto fill. If the name is not found in the dropdown then the user would like to click on an "Add Company" button and create a new record with the name they just typed in. It saves having to retype the company name if it doesn't exist.
The problem is, if I set "Limit to List" to Yes, the user can't leave the field to click on the "Add Company" button. If I change "Limit to List" to be No I have to have the CompanyId as the first field and I don't want to auto fill on the CompanyID I want to auto fill based on the 2nd column which is the company name. I'm going around in circles trying to get this to work.
Please help.
Answer : Auto Fill based on 2nd Column
Just a quick correction to my previous comment - Bound Column should be 1, not 2.
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