Question : DPM Hot Fix KB970868 does NOT resolve Issue 7
Trying to add Sharepoint in a protection group in DPM2007 Sp1 w/ KB970868 applied with an SQL Alias.
Repeative Errors:
DPM is unable to protect your Windows SharePoint Services farm until you install agents on the following servers : HQSQL-A01V.LECO.COM. (SQL Alias)
To install agents on these servers, on the Agents tab in the Management task area, click Install in the Action pane. If any of the above servers correspond to a cluster or a mirror, you need to install the DPM protection agent on all the physical nodes of that cluster/mirror. If databases are mirrored and SQL aliasing is used then you can get more information on SQL aliases that could not be resolved for the SharePoint farm by running "ConfigureSharePoint.exe -ResolveAllSqlAliases" on the SharePoint front-end web server.
ID: 956
Data Protection Manager 2007 cannot protect the content databases if Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Service Pack 2 is configured to connect to a content database by using a SQL Server alias. Additionally, the following error is logged:
This Windows SharePoint Services farm cannot be protected because DPM did not find any dependent databases and search indices to be protected. (ID: 32008)
Using the default port in cliconfg, Sharepoint sees the databases using the alias just fine.
stsadm.exe -o registerwsswriter - successful
configuresharepoint.exe -resolveallaliases - resolves the databases
But in WssCmdletsWrapperCurr Log -
ResolveSqlAliasEx failed for Alias HQSQL-A01v, Database SharePoint_Config_Prod, hr = 0x00000000
ResolveSqlAliasEx failed for Alias HQSQL-A01v, Database WSS_Content_MySites, hr = 0x00000000
ResolveSqlAliasEx failed for Alias HQSQL-A01v, Database SharePoint_AdminContent_c9
588d, hr = 0x00000000
ResolveSqlAliasEx failed for Alias HQSQL-A01v, Database WSS_Content_Prod, hr = 0x00000000
ResolveSqlAliasEx failed for Alias HQSQL-A01v, Database SharedServices1_DB, hr = 0x00000000
ResolveSqlAliasEx failed for Alias HQSQL-A01v, Database SharedServices1_Search_DB,
hr = 0x00000000
ResolveSqlAliasEx failed for Alias HQSQL-A01v, Database WSS_Search_HQSPS-P01V, hr = 0x00000000
ResolveSqlAlias failed for Alias HQSQL-A01v, Database SharePoint_Config_Prod, hr = 0x00000000
1) Verified that the appropriate SQL Server VSS Writers on the computers hosting the Windows SharePoint Services databases are enabled.
2) Verified that the Windows SharePoint Services Search VSS Writers are enabled on the computers where the search indices are.
WSS service account is Farm Admin, Domain Admin and Local Admin.
Issue identifiedd as number 7 of KB970868 - but doesn't fix it. Anyone Else Experience this? A poster in Tech Net thought DPM was a Bamboo Webpart (ugh)..... Any suggestions what else to look at?
Answer : DPM Hot Fix KB970868 does NOT resolve Issue 7
Yes ... it took Microsoft 5 days to determine that the SQL 2008 tools weren't compatible with DPM.... went back to 2005 and it worked.
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