Question : TransferDatabase oddities (very strange)

AIM: to query in Access 97 linked oracle legacy database and create static table with query results.  This is needed so that the table can be imported into Outlook 98 as calendar appointments.

- Query linked tables (qry_cal_export_calendar)
- Create new table (tbl_cal_export_to_outlook)

problem arises where query has description field with 'memo' attribute (property).

However, when macro transferdatabase command is run to create the new table the 'memo' field is changed to a 'text' (255 characters) field. The description field is therefore cut down considerably.

any help to resolve this would be great....... my knowledge of VBA is limited.... but am willing to learn!


Answer : TransferDatabase oddities (very strange)

This message normally points to typo's in queries.

I would start with checking the querie in "cal export calendar".
Make sure all names are OK and as I see you're using intermediate spaces (I never do :-) all names need to be surrounded with [ and ] to make sure access understands them.
I would also use:
Set rsTable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[cal import from assyst]")

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[cal export calendar]")

Normally I would use:

To indicate the type and having no need to use the []'s

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